Australian comestic surgery information and directory

Don't fall prey to scams based on a cheap price or a secret ingredient. There are no beauty secrets that some foreign doctor has that we can do.

Go to experienced, well-trained Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons for your procedures and pay the going rate for the best... second or third quality work may spell trouble for you down the road and is never a bargain!

Every surgical operation is a controlled injury and is followed by a healing reaction that is never completely predictable. When surgery is elective, as it is with cosmetic breast surgery, patients need to take a far more active role in the decision-making process than they might in the event of an emergency operation.

"I see many complications in people who have had both breast and face procedures, and who later regretted it. When asked, 'Why did you do that?', they reply, 'The doctor said that's what I should have done.' " Professor Donald Marshall, a Melbourne plastic surgeon and medico-legal consultant with 40 years' experience, has recently published Your Breasts and Plastic Surgery: Enlargement, Reduction, Reconstruction.

His book sends a sobering message. "Any medical graduate can undertake cosmetic surgery, and patients may respond to an advertisement and find themselves in the hands of a doctor who may have no formal surgical training . . . "

Unrealistic patient expectations are one of the biggest issues faced by plastic surgeons who undertake cosmetic surgery.

"Surgery cannot produce a 'normal breast'; there is always some scarring," Marshall writes, "and it is essential that patients are aware of the shortcomings of surgery, which must be balanced against the perceived advantages."

He has great concerns about misconceptions promoted by mainstream media. "I saw a cosmetic surgery program on television," he says, "and it troubled me because everything was presented in a glitzy, showman-like way and the results were magnificently good and the patients were all thrilled with the results. I thought it was all so incredibly superficial.

"So many women have seen images in magazines and other media of a spectacularly good result and do not realise that is only a very small percentage of cases.